dilluns, 27 de novembre del 2023

BON NADAL I PRÒSPER ANY NOU 2024 سنة سعيدة 2024 و كُل عام و أنتم بخير!

No a la guerra! Solidaritat amb el poble palestí. Volem la pau! 
 لا للحرب! التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني. نحن نريد السلام

 Hold your fire  امسك امسك نارك  Aguanta el teu foc
Deep in our hearts we hold a longing for peace .
We pray for a time when the fighting will cease. 
 Deep in our hearts we hold a longing for peace .
We pray for a time when the fighting will cease 
 Our frightened children running for their lives 
 Violence steals their innocence 

 Only sadness in their eyes Just for being born of a race or a creed 
 The fallen angels of political greed .
 Hold your fire Hold your fire 
 Hold your fire Hold for those who love for you, and for me .
 Hold your fire Hold your fire Hold your fire Hold for those who love for you, and for me 
 We are tired We are tired .
 Two lovers torn apart 
 He weeps to the sky She paid with her life .
 No time to say goodbye .
Two lovers torn apart 
 He weeps to the sky.
  She paid with her life .
 No time to say goodbye 
 No, no time to say goodbye 
 Hold your fire Hold your fire Hold your fire 
 Hold for those who love for you, and for me.
  Hold your fire Hold your fire Hold your fire 
 Hold for those who love for you, and for me. 
 We are tired We are tired



https://es.slideshare.net/jgregori/accions-quotidianes-80210997 -انشطة يوميةACCIONS-QUOTIDIANES by Josep Ramon Gregori Muñoz on Scribd